SPT Blog

Have Realistic Expectations
Sometimes I feel like so many of the New Year’s resolutioners fall off the wagon by the end of January simply because they have unrealistic expectations. Whether that’s because we’re constantly bombarded with (suspicious) before/after pictures on social media or...

How To Stick to a Diet
As the saying goes, you simply can’t out-train a bad diet. Luckily, we live in the information age where information regarding nutrition is readily available at our fingertips for free. What this means is that with a simple Google search you can learn pretty much...

Easy Dietary Advice for the Athlete
Easy Dietary Advice for the Athlete There is a lot to worry about when it comes to being an Athlete: For a small part of my life, I have been there. You’re an athlete. You’re a student. You have film, practices, weightlifting and recovery training, tutoring, and a...

Planning ahead to reach success
PLANNING AHEAD TO REACH SUCCESS For many of you reading this, getting on a more organized routine for diet and exercise is something very new, something very frightening, and overall completely foreign. So foreign that it is even more important to Plan Ahead. Making...

Online Personal Training
What is Online Personal Training? I know you have heard of Personal Training where you, your friends or relative might go to a gym and they meet 1-3 days a week with a personal trainer that gym has hired. With Online Training, you are receiving more of an action...

The Active Dynamic Movement Warm-up Pt.2
Alright, so first blog post of 2016. This will be more of a rant than anything and it ties into my last blog post about how the warm-up is essential to enhancing training and competition performance levels. With all the free information out there I do not know how...

Enhancing training and competition by enhancing your warm-up
The Active-Dynamic Flexibility Warm-up For many of you reading this, think about your typical warm-up before you do resistance training before you go outside and do sprints or train for your half and full-marathon, or look at how others warm-up. You see all sorts of...